•≈ Flames...
Sunday, 21 October 2007
...18 seconds before sunrise, & fire in the trees & along the creeping paths - & shedding a million paper streams down through her mountains & towns, when I returned home, Autumn was waiting, dressed like a Geisha, weaving ahead of the light & a world in flames...

The ensuing days will be spent stripping the crass decals from my otherwise perfectly jet black new Anas Acuta with a heatgun. The nylon deck lines will also be replaced with traditional Taqqat & Qoorutit using bone & antler. The silver bolts will be blackened down & the task of making a laceable storage sock out of ballistic nylon will begin. The newest black knife needs to look good for the Fugloy solo from hell aye, even if it won't last, & that rock covered in snow is a 3 course sight for the soul. Well, ballistic nylon is my material of choice when skinning framed boats & being a versatile material, it could arguably be used to fashion some seriously hardcore underpants. It's also a great winter storage bivvy for sea kayak asleep under the leaves. -& wave pilots who are over the limit for hill walking-

A big handy shaky thanky moment as well to •≈Doug Wilcox≈• for his invaluable help in getting the latest slinky black beast onto the islands in time for some wave & roll demolition. For now, Qajariaq VII is in pre-match isolation...Soon we will, let the boxing begin. One distant day, when time is cursed with more folds than a sword, we will meet in The House of the Trousers & not care for boxing, but for now, it's time to practise more Qajaasaarneq in the tall trees, with Sigur Rós.


posted by •≈ Sgian Dubh at 18:49:00 |

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