Saturday 19 July 2008
Let the hand carving begin!
Time to fashion a new Norsaq out of this scraggy bit of driftwood I bimbled across on the shoreline this afternoon wi the collie. Will post the results up on completion.

Update 22/07:
Almost finished, & had a good roll test of the said carving leaving wee Cnip pier & taking the slingshot into the Bhaltos & Pabaigh Mór peninsula today. Unfortunately I was plagued by endless deserted white sands, a brisk refreshing wind & a clear turquoise swell lit by shafts of warm sunlight piercing dark races of cloud...
The constant interference & distractive nature of such phenomena, makes it very hard to gain any suitably objective conclusion as to the overall quality of ones own workmanship...
Aye reet, awa wiya pish, ma heid's birlin

The hand carved Norsaq is almost finished - the dunes of the Bhaltos peninsula reflected in black Anas gloss
posted by •≈ Sgian Dubh at 20:15:00 |

3 Retorts:

At 22 July 2008 at 19:36, Blogger Douglas Wilcox

Hello Si, that looks like a right good bit of seasoned wood. Better not bring your new Norsaq on a visit to Glasgow. The polis would lock you up!


At 24 July 2008 at 19:14, Blogger •≈ Sgian Dubh

Hey Douglas,
Now that it's starting to resemble an ornately carved & appropriate kayaking tool of Greenlandic origin rather than a length of random 18" by 6" timber, I may have trouble convincing the Glasgie polis that my newest Norsaq can indeed double as a Ned thwacking stick should the need arise, since, I would arguably pre-light the said offender with a marine flare & give chase around Dumbarton rock with a big black hunting knife, ergo, the Norsaq would pale into insignificance.

It would be a spectacle either way.

ps: I'm still more concerned over the whereabouts of those incendiary Mexican beans I left in the Islay bothy than the ancient art of Ned thwacking with a Norsaq to be honest!



At 15 August 2008 at 17:52, Blogger Wanderlust

Hey there, I really love your norsaq. May I know how you carved the design on it?