But now it's downy time, Sunday, rattling windows & leaves finding their way in through the kitchen window. I am as ever, enjoying finding them in bizarre places. I did stand upright briefly, to open the door for the collie, who dutifully looked out, looked back at me & said, Naw, yer ok man, I'll cross mallaigs. We're going nowhere & we're both proud of it. I have started to re-read Paul Carters excellent book entitled Don't Tell Mum I work on The Rigs - She Thinks I'm a Piano Player in a Whorehouse, only coming out for more crackers & hot chocolate. There is a dusting of snow on the higher Cuillin & the eviscerating wind on patrol serves only to bolster my resolve to get a vast amount of crumbs in the bed by this evening & some Cullen Skink in my belly by night fall. Bar cold sprints across the boards to restock & a Fugloy solo circ nav invading my thoughts at each turned book leaf, all the heros are on hold.

At 23 October 2008 at 17:16, •≈ Sgian Dubh
Hi Douglas, I'm glad you like the clouds :o)
Skies are often an underrated part of the overall vista, indeed, they can define the day alone sometimes. People don't expose for skies enough when trying to translate the feel & mood of being out there, the moment. You of course are an exception & while gawping at the skies dotted through your latest forays I remembered this :0)
It was Jan, who stays at & kayaks out of the Faroes who once said to me: There are two kinds of weather. The system breaks down here as well, where bad weather looks good, while good weather can look like an overexposed & bleached out Kodachrome
There are white tops on the sea loch today & the wind squalls have laid a boat or two sideways. Windsurfer? If you ever want a laugh just watch me tryna stand on a giant bar of soap. I'm going back under the downy wi my crackers :o)
Si I like the clouds:o) In fact I love clouds, often the best bit in a landscape!
I got to paddle on fri and sat on the Solway but it was breezy. Then on Sunday it was gusting up to 55 knots at sea level, so I got the windsurfer out.
Am still aching all over.